Reviews and Testimonials

Judy Buch - I started Pilates sessions with Terri 2023, in just over a year Pilates has improved my everyday lifestyle. Little things l can do easily now that I couldn’t do last year, like lifting a 50 pound bag of Baccto dirt without hurting my back.

June of this year, I attended a baseball game at Fleur Field, and went to get a tray of tacos and a drink. When I returned to my section, my hands full, I had to step over a row of seats while carrying the tacos and drink. No problem. It was easy! A couple of people at the other end of the row commented that they couldn’t have done that. I give the credit to Pilates at The Sanctuary and Terri Josephson, my instructor.

Anita Hemseri - I suffered for 10 years with debilitating pain from a congenital hip deformity. In early 2008 I was told by two Orthopedic Surgeons that my only option was to have surgery. I decided to seek an alternative solution. In September 2008, I started private Pilates sessions with Terri. I was amazed by the decrease in my pain, the improvement in my flexibility and gait, and the strengthening of my core. Because of Pilates, I was able to delay my total hip replacement surgery until 2013. I was able to resume my Pilates practice 3 months later. I would highly recommend Pilates to people of all ages!

Cathy Hoke - I started taking Pilates at another studio after a car accident left me with a damaged hip and daily pain. I felt that Pilates could be what I needed to get my life back. I was taking private sessions at a studio when I heard about The Pilates Sanctuary from friends and decided to give them a try. After entering the studio, the ambiance drew me in. I met with Terri and decided to give her a try and signed up for private sessions with her. "Now this is a horse of a different color" I thought. At the other studio I did Pilates exercises but I was not instructed in correct breathing or proper form, such important fundamental elements of proper Pilates. Terri monitors every position, checking my alignment, adjusting and innovating for my body challenges. Due to my damaged hip, there are exercises I can't do, but Terri finds a way.

I am not yet where I want to be but I feel mentally encouraged and physically strengthened. My apprehension and fear of re-injuring myself is a thing of the past. After 6 months with Terri, I know Pilates will be a part of my life from now on.

Private Pilates Session
Pilates management software

Betsy T

“I am a 58 year old triathlete and have been practicing Pilates with personal trainers for over 10 years. I started practicing Pilates to maintain and improve my flexibility and to balance out the other activities I was doing in the sport. I have spent the last 4 months in Florida preparing for 6 months of rigorous training for a 1/2 ironman. I am fortunate to have met Terri when I first arrived in Florida. Training with Terri has been an incredibly positive experience! She has imbued her expert knowledge of anatomy/physiology through closely supervised exercises. She has helped me increase my core strength, toning, posture and flexibility, therefore allowing me to use my body more efficiently when training and competing. Pilates with Terri has been a very efficient and comprehensive weekly workout for me. She is so professional and personable. Most impressive has been that Terri had me work very hard to maintain the correct form for each and every exercise I did!. I have been doing personal Pilates sessions for years with other trainers that did not consistently train me this way. As a result, I am now more aware of my posture and form with everything I do - even walking across a room! I will miss her when I go back home, but will think about all the many things she has taught me!”